According to the work of LLC "Agro-Elevator", please contact by phone: +7 47465 60 500 ore +7 965 375 57 79
"Agro-elevator" has a capacity of 110 thousand tons. The technological process is automated and allows you to remotely manage and monitor the work of the mechanisms.
The main manufacturing operations are carried out on the elevator:
- Receiving grain from road
- Cleaning with air / sieve grain cleaning machines for the primary or secondary treatment.
- Drying grains by using continuous driers natural gas with moisture monitoring.
- Loading in the granary, and the shipment of finished goods by rail or road.
Granary allows due to the built-in aeration system for a long time to store grain, without requiring its movement in the event of changes in grain temperature.
The incoming grain to the elevator, pass the laboratory analysis of modern equipment and advanced technology zernosberegayuschie help improve the quality of grain storage.